Jumat, 27 April 2012

islam quotes english

The wisdom and pearls taken from the Prophet Muhammad
Heroes are not people who dare to hack his sword into the opponent's shoulders, but the real hero is one who can control himself when his he was angry.

By God that my soul was in his hand, one does not believe until he loves for his brother as he loves himself.

Three human nature that damages are: miser who obeyed, passions that followed, as well as the nature of excessive self-admiration.

Stay away from envy, for envy consuming good deeds as fire consuming wood.

Islamic quotes taken from the Caliph 'Umar
The person I most like about it is he who shows fault.

Gain knowledge, and to gain knowledge learn to calm and patient.

Islamic words taken from Ibn Mas'ud
Every person in this world is a guest, and the money was a loan. The visitor would have to go, sooner or later, and the loan must be returned

Patient has two sides, one side is the patient, the other side is grateful to God.

Words of Wisdom Islamic taken from Hadrat Umar bin Khattab
People who laugh a lot that is less prestige. People who like to insult others, he would also be insulted. People who love the afterlife, the world would have followed.
Whosoever shall keep the honor of others, would honor her will be maintained.

Whoever fears Allah SWT will not be viewable nescaya anger. And he who fear God, not in vain what he wants.

I watched all the friends, and did not find a better friend than keep thinking about all the clothes lidah.Saya, but did not find a better dress than piety. I ponder about all kinds of good deeds, but do not get better than giving good advice. I'm looking for any form of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience.

And a variety of wise aphorisms and other Islamic
Three men will not be combated except by those who despised: the learned who their knowledge, talented and intelligent people who just priests.

There is no greater disaster than underestimating your sins, and feel pleased with odsamu rohaniahmu current situation.

Nothing better than two good: Faith in God and beneficial to mankind. Nothing is worse of two evils: Shirk in Allah and harm humans.

Most human beings are both generous and grateful in the spaciousness, which put the other person, be patient in trouble.

Three signs of the perfection of faith: When angry, his anger is not out of truth. If you like, do not take pleasure in falsehood. When able to return, he forgave.

God buried him envy, hostility quench With it Allah; Through brotherhood bound; The abject dimulyakan. High humbled.

If people can be four things, he can be the good of the afterlife: a thankful heart, the remembrance of the tongue, the body that steadfast in trials, and the faithful spouse to maintain himself and his property.

The Prophet asked virtue bermanfaatkah after sin? He replied: Repentance cleanse sin, goodness eliminate evil.

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