"As Muslims, we must know and remember that unbelievers will not sleep well when Islam's independence. As has been explained in the QS. Al Baqarah: That the Jews would not willingly, so you follow their religion"
"Bismillahirahmanirrahim ... musings night. Do not let the faith and passions that fade to win. When that happens, then God's great love will never be sensed and felt. Love between human beings will also only be turned into a disaster and wants us to Heaven (Jannatullah) will disappear. Ali Bin Abi history Companions in Hadith Tholib Riyadusholihin "
"I'm Muslim, but I'm not a Muslim because I do not know the purpose kemuslimanku, because I did not have instructions to achieve kemuslimanku. Do not be concerned about you, if tomorrow is more melenakanku infidel, do not question the people around me if more be infidels keutamaanku. Where Islam is the light?"
"The world we walk on now ni just a temporary shelter. Therefore let us always remind ourselves each our destiny in this world"
"If we live only for our lives, surely life would be short. Beginning and end of our lives lahirnyakita limited. But if we walk by something else, namely the real struggle of life because this life will be felt long and deep. Starting from the emergence of humans and end with the loss of this man on earth "
"The world is a drop of water amid the sea. World is a prison believer and a paradise for the disbelievers. Live like a world traveler, looking at people who are under equipped and prepare for death"
"Happy to live with the sweetness of faith and God as the purpose of life. Living on faith and dependence. Degrading themselves and put their trust, it's all seusatu must return to Him"
"Delicious sense would feel if we get sick. Delicious treasures will be felt if we had hard, and enjoyable life would be if we ever get a disaster. The accident was the start of enjoyment of life"
"Science is the light that God placed in one's heart. The reach or achieve the required light Ittiba (follow the Prophet Muhammad SAW) and abstain from the passions and acts of heresy (says Imam Adh-Dzahabi)
"A test and trial is a difficulty. Where we have to face difficulties with a smile worthy of exalted world, optimistic smile through the lake of tears"
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